I've been here for about 6 weeks and I still haven't blogged about school - and I know many of you (relatives mostly) are wondering what the heck I'm doing besides loving the Parisian life!
Here's a quick run-down:
French Literature "La Quete Identitaire" - Identity Quest. We're reading Zola, Musset, Sand, lots of novels, so this is pretty fun. This is a course run through Tufts, taught by a French professor (who is French!!!) and I have American classmates.
French Language: Another Tufts course, again taught by a French professor. In this class, we're learning how to write in the French style - essays, commentaries, etc. We're also practicing our general comprehension and speaking - everyone has to give a 10-15 minute presentation and moderate a debate. Today I moderated the debate on technology (la technologie) - we talked about being slaves to technology, how blogs are self-indulgent, and Facebook. ("Facebook" in French is still "Facebook").
L'histoire de l'art (Art History) - another Tufts-based course. We're studying pre-Impressionist to early 1900s French art. 2/3s of our classes are either at the Louvre, the Musee d'Orsay, or another museum... AWESOME!
La Poesie et les Contes Fantastiques - Poetry and Spooky Stories - this course is at La Sorbonne Nouvelle with all French students. I even have a French friend!! Her name is Adeline, and she is adorable.
All of my classes are 100% in French.
For now, I have some studying to do...
Best Business Magazines
2 years ago
So this has nothing to do with this post but I just wanted to tell you that today I was texting a friend in all caps and it randomly made me think of this hilar email you sent me where you said GIRL I THINK OF MA READERS and it made me laugh, out loud, for several minutes because I could hear and see you saying that. In conclusion, I really miss you. xoxo Jessinator